A Low Carbon Life | Post 1 2019 | Back on the Measurement Trail
It’s a long time since I’ve posted anything on this site but my interest still lies in what we can do at an individual and household level to mitigate and adapt to climate change. Having said that, I feel compelled to understand where the global, or at least national, metrics are heading and, indeed, this was something a friend asked me about a few weeks ago. He was about to teach an adult class, where some of the discussion was to be about climate change.
I have always wanted to appeal to the ‘silent majority’ on matters of global warming so I was very cautious about what to give him because I know he wouldn’t want to use anything that might be considered radical. I was also cautious because we have entered the era of ‘fake news’ and this could contaminate information about climate change as much as it does anything else but, short of researching everything we want to know ourselves, which is an impossible undertaking, then we have to trust someone or some institution. I am choosing to trust scientists, academics and their institutions; original and complete documents; and, transparent funding.
These are the measurement sources I provided to my friend:
Bureau of Meteorology The news from the BOM is not good but they do provide a clear picture of Australia’s changing climate.
American NOAA which is cited by lots of third party reports and fortunately, based on review pages, doesn’t appear to have been compromised by the state of US politics. Again, the picture is not good.
Finally, I had to add one of my personal favourites, that is not about measurement but about what the future looks like (be warned – its a longish article).
‘Caring & Doing‘. Until next time, Jane