Welcome to my blog.
Every fortnight I hope to share little stories from my ordinary house which is located in a small, rural community in south-eastern Australia. I will try to publish new posts each first and third Monday.
This blog is about personal and household actions, through ordinary day-to-day living, that aim to limit one person and one household’s contribution to global warming and climate change. Hopefully these little stories will provide good information to people who want to take similar action; hopefully, sometimes, the stories might even inspire new, otherwise unplanned steps towards a low carbon life.
My particular interest is in the measurement of effectiveness and achievement in relation to domestic, climate-change mitigation. To date, such information can be hard to come by. I’m also interested in the detail associated with implementing personal and household changes, as well as how we hold on to hope; the hope that we can avoid irreversible, catastrophic global warming if, individually and collectively, we act effectively now.
The context of this blog is about our actions as individuals and beyond that, our actions as households. As individuals, I see each of us as the lowest unit of action on climate change and I see households as the next level of action. In contrast to this perspective, general expectations seem to be that individuals and households won’t do much to reduce their ‘carbon footprint’ unless forced to do so by external regulation, scarcity or high prices. I would like to subvert this paradigm and so I hold onto hope.
“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”
Martin Luther King Jr.